
A demo storyboard

The following short film storyboard was made to showcase the quality and style of type I storyboard. The aim of the storyboard is to quickly showcase the film.

Content cat get a quick headpat. Someone is saying goodbye.

[CONTINUED] The cat is left staring as the sound of a creaky door opening is heard.

The cats point of view. Old man in a raincoat gives one last look before stepping out.

Dolly with the man. The cottage is left behind.

Dramatic drone shot. We fly towards a cape point and see a boat rocking in choppy water. The man is standing at the precipice.

Low angle shot. The man leaps forward off the cliff.

The old man does a superhero landing into the boat. The shots tilts with him from up on high.

The little boat bobbing on the storm.

The fisherman reels in his net.

Suddenly his face lights up. BUT THEN-

Lightning strikes the boat. The man is silhouetted by the flash.

CUT TO BLACK: We hear steps on wood floor.

A fish plops down into the cats bowl. The cat smiles contently.

[CONTINUED] Shot pans with the old man while he heads for the easy chair.

The man sighs. He is content but exhausted.