
A demo storyboard

The following short film storyboard was made to showcase the quality and style of type II storyboard.

Son is sitting on the sofa as mother is hard at work in the kithcen.

Camera dollyes towards the son as a NOISE is heard.

Mother also hears a dragging sound coming from behind. She turns.

The boys face is a mask of teenage distain.

Dad plops down a guillotine onto the floor.

Mother and son say nothing.

Shot through the head hole of the guillotine.

MOTHER: Another find?

Dad is sweating. Both from the hauling and the cold reception.

DAD: And what a great find it is. French antique. Not many of these around anymore.

Mother is unmoved by the logic. She sighs.

Father takes a lean on his new purchase.

V.O: Finds small and large for every home.